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Level 50 Elite Sets

Firewall Sets (E1, E2, E3)

FirewallCRT(E1) BOT type: Patch Item type: Head Req. Level: 50
Heat is at the core of this set with the head piece channeling the most
HP +924
Critical +450
FirewallTA(E1) BOT type: Patch Item type: Body Req. Level: 50
The center module is triple reinforced to prevent overheating.
Attack (Trans) +106 ~ +182
Speed +42
Trans Bot Attack +415
FirewallTD(E1) BOT type: Patch Item type: Arm Req. Level: 50
The modified arm pieces make the unique attack possible.
Attack (Basic) +32 ~ +43
Trans Bot Def +236
Ranged Attack +45
FirewallCRT(E2) BOT type: Patch Item type: Head Req. Level: 50
Heat is at the core of this set with the head piece channeling the most
HP +924
Critical +450
FirewallTA(E2) BOT type: Patch Item type: Body Req. Level: 50
The center module is triple reinforced to prevent overheating.
Attack (Trans) +106 ~ +182
Speed +42
Trans Bot Attack +415
FirewallTD(E2) BOT type: Patch Item type: Arm Req. Level: 50
The modified arm pieces make the unique attack possible.
Attack (Basic) +32 ~ +43
Trans Bot Def +236
Ranged Attack +45
FirewallCRT(E3) BOT type: Patch Item type: Head Req. Level: 50
Heat is at the core of this set with the head piece channeling the most
HP +924
Critical +450
FirewallTA(E3) BOT type: Patch Item type: Body Req. Level: 50
The center module is triple reinforced to prevent overheating.
Attack (Trans) +106 ~ +182
Speed +42
Trans Bot Attack +415
FirewallTD(E3) BOT type: Patch Item type: Arm Req. Level: 50
The modified arm pieces make the unique attack possible.
Attack (Basic) +32 ~ +43
Trans Bot Def +236
Ranged Attack +45

Cyblade Sets (E1, E2, E3)

CybladeMIS(E1) BOT type: Surge Item type: Head Req. Level: 50
Extra weight on top of this set creates balance for the transformed attack.
HP +615
Evade +135
CybladeSPD(E1) BOT type: Surge Item type: Body Req. Level: 50
Smaller than other body modules, this piece acts as a fulcrum for the arms.
Attack (Trans) +88 ~ +147
Speed +135
Trans Bot Attack +63
CybladeGUN(E1) BOT type: Surge Item type: Arm Req. Level: 50
Reinforced arms are the key for the bladed attack of this unit.
Attack (Basic) +27 ~ +37
Ranged Attack +225
Trans Speed +66
CybladeMIS(E2) BOT type: Surge Item type: Head Req. Level: 50
Extra weight on top of this set creates balance for the transformed attack.
HP +615
Evade +135
CybladeSPD(E2) BOT type: Surge Item type: Body Req. Level: 50
Smaller than other body modules, this piece acts as a fulcrum for the arms.
Attack (Trans) +88 ~ +147
Speed +135
Trans Bot Attack +63
CybladeGUN(E2) BOT type: Surge Item type: Arm Req. Level: 50
Reinforced arms are the key for the bladed attack of this unit.
Attack (Basic) +27 ~ +37
Ranged Attack +225
Trans Speed +66
CybladeMIS(E3) BOT type: Surge Item type: Head Req. Level: 50
Extra weight on top of this set creates balance for the transformed attack.
HP +615
Evade +135
CybladeSPD(E3) BOT type: Surge Item type: Body Req. Level: 50
Smaller than other body modules, this piece acts as a fulcrum for the arms.
Attack (Trans) +88 ~ +147
Speed +135
Trans Bot Attack +63
CybladeGUN(E3) BOT type: Surge Item type: Arm Req. Level: 50
Reinforced arms are the key for the bladed attack of this unit.
Attack (Basic) +27 ~ +37
Ranged Attack +225
Trans Speed +66

Neg-Volt Sets (E1, E2, E3)

Neg-VoltSP(E1) BOT type: Ram Item type: Head Req. Level: 50
An enhanced set built on prior versions, this head piece retains a signature spike.
HP +638
Special Transformation +163
Neg-VoltMX(E1) BOT type: Ram Item type: Body Req. Level: 50
The feet of this body unit are actually borrowed from a Patch system.
Attack (Trans) +116 ~ +202
Speed +42
Trans Speed +325
Neg-VoltTG(E1) BOT type: Ram Item type: Arm Req. Level: 50
Significant power is stored in these arms, ready to be released in transformed mode.
Attack (Basic) +33 ~ +45
Transformation Gauge +303
Ranged Attack +45
Neg-VoltSP(E2) BOT type: Ram Item type: Head Req. Level: 50
An enhanced set built on prior versions, this head piece retains a signature spike.
HP +638
Special Transformation +163
Neg-VoltMX(E2) BOT type: Ram Item type: Body Req. Level: 50
The feet of this body unit are actually borrowed from a Patch system.
Attack (Trans) +116 ~ +202
Speed +42
Trans Speed +325
Neg-VoltTG(E2) BOT type: Ram Item type: Arm Req. Level: 50
Significant power is stored in these arms, ready to be released in transformed mode.
Attack (Basic) +33 ~ +45
Transformation Gauge +303
Ranged Attack +45
Neg-VoltSP(E3) BOT type: Ram Item type: Head Req. Level: 50
An enhanced set built on prior versions, this head piece retains a signature spike.
HP +638
Special Transformation +163
Neg-VoltMX(E3) BOT type: Ram Item type: Body Req. Level: 50
The feet of this body unit are actually borrowed from a Patch system.
Attack (Trans) +116 ~ +202
Speed +42
Trans Speed +325
Neg-VoltTG(E3) BOT type: Ram Item type: Arm Req. Level: 50
Significant power is stored in these arms, ready to be released in transformed mode.
Attack (Basic) +33 ~ +45
Transformation Gauge +303
Ranged Attack +45

Team Ohka 2024 ∙ Acclaim BOTS Remake ∙ Astro v5.1.1 2024-12-20 Contact us